Saturday, December 31, 2011

Questions About How To Ask A Girl Out

Nancy asks…

How to ask girl out and get confidence?

I am fine with talking to girls. In fact most of my friends are girls. The problem is i cant ask them out
When i was in 6th grade i asked out a girl. 5 days later i dumped her and it was so akward. I never wanted to go thru that again. I like a girl but i dont have the courage to ask her out. How can i emotionlly prepare for this then whats a good way to ask her out also how to build confidence.

admin answers:

Well, Just aks her...

There's really nothing to it.
Sure it's awkward but that's life.

As for confidence, look in your mirror and say

"Damn Im sexy!"

Good luck!

Joseph asks…

How to ask girl out if work schedule is in the way?

There's a girl I want to ask out to a date, but she and I always work on Friday and Saturday nights. What should I do?

admin answers:

Take her out during the week! Really late during the week, not during the day.

Robert asks…

How do you ask a girl out in your class?

I have never had luck asking girls out in class, and I think it's because it's pretty awkward. Especially if the girl doesn't sit near you, you can't really talk to her and you know nothing about her. So how do you ask her out?

There's this girl in my Humanities Class, and she sits on the other side of class, and I can only see her back. I can't really see her face most of the time, but I want to ask her out without making it awkward. How do I do this?

admin answers:

Try to catch her after class. Ask her a question about the lesson or ask her to explain something to you that you "didn't understand." There's no way she can ignore you without looking like a total b*tch. If she can't answer your question (embarrassing!) ask about something else a little less complex, even if you already know the answer. Remember, this is just the conversation starter. Then once she answers, thank her & laugh off the stupidity, whether it be real or fake, & say how you could barely focus because of *insert moderately lame excuse here*. If she tries to relate to you & says "Oh, yeah, I know what you mean, blah blah blah" then just try to keep the conversation rolling for a while. After that, try to space out the conversations so you don't seem to be stalking her, & wait until she seems to consider you a friend. Then talk to her more, & eventually ask for her number. I think you know what to do after that ;)

Good luck with her :)

Charles asks…

How can I overcome my fear to ask a girl out?

For some reason I always fear of asking girls out. I always tell myself that if I get rejected, oh well and move on. But if a girl say yes, then I have a fear of not being perfect for a girl. For some reason, I thought being perfect like sweet, charming, good looking, and be outgoing would be nice. I don't really want to bored the girl at all. I'm always get really shy when I ask a girl to hangout with me. How can i overcome my fear?

admin answers:

Just be yourself and stay calm.
If a girl cant accept you for who you are than its not meant to be.
Plus always remember only good things can happen from you telling your crush how you feel because even if they're not interested, at least you can move on and stop wasting time on them.
Hope that helps! Good luck :)

Sandy asks…

How to ask girl out in my class?

I'm 13 years old. I want to ask this girl out in my year but she's always with her friends and if I ask to speak to her on her own I'll feel like a right idiot. Also any boyfriend/girlfriend tips.

admin answers:

Say hi to her regularly, smile at her, maybe even give her a hug every now and then. Ask for her number, talk to her and her friends, they're people too it shouldn't matter. Get over your nervousness and just ask her out, either call her or talk to her.

Unless you don't know her and just randomly go "WANNA GO OUT WITH ME!?" that'd be weird, and she would say no. Just talk to her regularly. Oh and being attractive helps.

Hope this helped!

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Questions About How To Jailbreak Iphone

Helen asks…

How can I unlock and jailbreak iPhone 3GS locked to Bell Canada without a sim card?

I bought a used iPhone 3GS locked to Bell Canada. I do not have Bell sim card. How can I activate, unlock and jailbroke it using my windows vista laptop at home. Or where Should I go to get it in Toronto or area? I do not know the firmware version of my iPhone

admin answers:

It is easy but a bit tricky. First of all you have to download few applications on your System. Like you have to download, tiny umbrella it will help you to jailbreak and unlock your iphone, or else you can use redsnow for the same purpose. Just follow the link which i have pasted here and you can eaily unlock your device. It will take an hour or more i guess...

Donald asks…

How to Erase data on jailbreak iphone if restriction passcode is unknown?

I know password to logon to iphone but not passcode to reset to default. Thanks

admin answers:

You have to restore the firmware. Connect it to computer and open itunes. In your itunes tab, there is a restore button. Press it, the iphone will be reset to factory settings

Charles asks…

How to jailbreak my iphone 3gs?

can u answer this few question?
1. how to jailbreak iphone 3gs?
2. if something happen to my iphone, how do i reset it?
3. how do i back up my data before i jailbreak my iphone?
4. what is the advantage of jailbreaking an iphone 3gs?

admin answers:

1. Try using BlackRa1n
2. Yes, Restore it.
3. I think if you sync it, It'll back up. I'm not sure
4. You can install better apps, Change the look on the iphone. Etc.

Betty asks…

How can o jailbreak iPhone 3 gs mc model?

Hello guys I m using iPhone 3gs mc model I bott it last year august. It was jailbroken with blackra1n thene accidantlly I update my firmware to 3.1.3 my jailbrek is gone.tell me there is chance to jailbreak or downgrade.
Thanks for help ?

admin answers:

With this guide you step by step to unlock.


Ruth asks…

How can i jailbreak iphone and install cydia?

i tried jailbreaking my iphone but when it gets to "Downloading jailbreaking data" it restarts my iphone and restores the original settings i have v3.1 and doesnt install cydia.

admin answers:

3.0.1 is jailbrocken that under guy hasnt been keeping track... Make sure u use redsn0w instructions......

But u said 3.1 i just relieved and there is no jailbrake for 3.1 yet u can downgrade and then jailbreak

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Questions About How To Hack Wifi

Robert asks…

How to hack wifi on iPod touch? 'non illegal reason'?

How do you hack a wifi network with WEP encryption on an iPod touch? Time is not an issue for me and I just need something to do it? it is not going to be used for illegal perposes?
Thanks much :) I heard on the Internet that you can? My iPod touch is jailbroken and running 3.1.2

admin answers:

If your ipod is jailbroken & you have cydia you can have a wifi anywhere.

Michael asks…

What would you like how to hack wifi signal to ask?

i had a friend he hack his laptop and take wifi signal wewere at his studio and thereis no signal i asked him how he did it hetold me his friend did it for him can u help me

admin answers:

Congratulations dude. That's like two unrelated questions in one sentence.

Jenny asks…

How to hack WiFi in psp?

people around me here are asking why there is a damn password for WiFi! i dont get it why not share it ti the world?! anyway need help in solving the passwords...

admin answers:

Because I have a limited amount of bandwidth per month and I don't need some freeloader using it up without paying for it or slowing down my connection when I'm trying to use it. In the event that this causes me to go over my limit, I get slapped with huge fees or I could face service termination altogether. This is the case for many home Internet services.

WiFi that uses WEP encryption is pretty easy to hack with the right software. WPA isn't. If it uses 802.11x authentication don't even bother because you actually need a login name/password to access it, and I don't think the PSP even supports that kind of security.

Steven asks…

how to hack wifi with iphone?

iphone wifi hack with which application installed on my iPhone?

admin answers:

I am using this free iphone wifi hack app from :

Nancy asks…

How can I prevent my wifi network from being hacked?

One of my annoying neighbors has a jail broken ipod with an app to hack wifi networks. Is there a way to prevent this.

admin answers:

WPA2 security is nearly impossible to crack
Use a good password for the wireless
Use a different and also good password to lock the router setttings
Enable MAC filtering (first write down the MAC addresses for your devices)
Hide your SSID

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Questions About How To Download Youtube Videos For Free

William asks…

how can i download free youtube videos for my ipod?

youtube video downloading help please?
well i once had a really good program
you could download the videos for iPodand stuff
you ddidn'thave to download aanythingit was totally free.
do you know any ssimilarprograms where i can just download the vids without downloading a program (if that makes sense)

admin answers:

>>【YouTube to iPod converter】
>> This is the product page on Facebook,you can have a general view of this terrific converter.


Lisa asks…

Does anybody know how to download free youtube videos and free songs(where?) unto your Ipod?

I would like some really cool music videos I've seen on youtube unto my Ipod. I don't want to and don't have the money to go through itunes and pay for their music videos and songs. UGGh. Does anybody know where there are free songs I can download unto my Ipod too? Thanks!

admin answers:

To get free songs go to i use it all the time.

To download youtube videos you can do a number of things you can download firefox and ad the download helper add-on and download it that way but you have to convert it to mp4 before you can put it on your ipod.
I suggest download videora ipod convertor

go to the convert tab click moviess or something like that and then go from there its quite easy.
This converter even puts your movie right into itunes. For you.

Hope this helps email me if you have any more problems

Ken asks…

How can I download youtube videos for free?

I'm trying to make a tribute video of my favorite singer...but I can NOT find a website where I can download the video free..and when i download from free sites then it won't let me use it on my windows movie maker...How can I download it free and use it on Windows Movie Maker?

admin answers:

Download YouTube Downloader HD for free. It's great and it supports HD formats.

John asks…

How do I download YouTube videos for free?

is there a way to download YouTube videos for free and legal?

admin answers:

I recommend you a free tool that can help you download youtube video easily. And it can convert the donwloaded video to many portable player or mobile phone. Such as, iPod, iPhone, Nokia, BlackBerry and son so.

You can get this tool at here:

this free tool called "Next Video Converter"; Beside downloading YouTube video, Next Video converter can also help you convert video and Rip DVD to most popular video formats including DVIX, Xv iD, MOVE, RM, RM VB, MPEG, VB, DVD, MV, and AVI to MPEG-4 movie format for iPod, PSP, PS3, iPhone, XBox360, Zune, Apple TV, Archos, iRiver PMP, Epson Player, Creative Zen, Rubi Blue, Sony Walkman, Commodore PMX, Palm TX, Game Boy, SmartDisk, Windows Mobile Smart phone, Nokia, BlackBerry, Ketti, LG, Sony-Ericssonon, Samsung mobile phone, etc.

Charles asks…

How do I download YouTube videos? For free?

I want to download YouTube videos and it has to be for free, it can be a program or whatever but LimeWire doesn't seem to work on my computer when downloading videos, I don't know why though.

Please help!


admin answers:

I was hoping someone would ask this!!!

Go to
Search for Youtube Downloader
Scroll down and click on Youtube Downloader 2.1.7 (Or whatever the numbers are)
Download and install, it is REALLY easy to use. Download the .flv file, then convert it to any file you wish (mp4 etc.)
And the best part of it, its LEGAL!

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Questions About How To Roast Pumpkin Seeds

William asks…

What is the quickest and easiest way to roast pumpkin seeds?

I bought some pre-hulled pumpkin seeds and the package suggested roasting them. How can I roast the seeds?

admin answers:

The easiest way is to use a pre-seasoned cast iron skillet or non-stick skillet on the stove top with the temperature set to med-high. Stir frequently until roasted to the desired degree of preference. Be cautious not to burn them and remember to stir. Adding oil is not necessary. And, if you are going to salt them do it immediately upon removal from the pan. The seeds will still be hot and the salt will stick better to the natural oils in the seeds. Pulsing table salt in a spice grinder, coffee grinder or food processor makes the salt finer and better for this application.

Sandy asks…

How Long Does It Take To Roast Pumpkin Seeds In A Toaster-Oven? And How Do I Salt Them?

I have pumpkin seeds all ready to be toasted, but I don't know how long to toast them in my toaster-oven. And I also don't know how to salt them.

admin answers:

Clean them up then soak in heavy salt water for about 30 minutes, then put on a edged cookie sheet spread them out and add just enough of that heavily salted water, to cover bottom of pan, then cook at 225/250 until water is gone, then for about 15/ 30 minutes after that, let cool then eat! (not the shells thought) lol

Lizzie asks…

How do you roast pumpkin seeds?

My little sister is curious about roasted pumpkin seeds. can you tell me how to fix them?

admin answers:

Just put it into the oven??with some oil

Nancy asks…

How to roast pumpkin seeds fresh out of the pumpkin?

I know you salt them and put them in the oven but for how long.

admin answers:

325 for 15 minutes. I like to add a little garlic powder along with the salt.

Susan asks…

I want to roast pumpkin seeds but I don't know how... advice please?

I just carved my halloween pumpkin and I want to roast the seeds in my oven. I already cleaned all the stringies off and rinsed them off really well. What temperature do I put the oven at and can I season them before I put them in the oven? How long do I roast them for? Do I have to put it really close to the heat source, like the very top rack? Please help! Thanks!

admin answers:

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds


* 2 cups pumpkin seeds
* 5 teaspoons butter, melted
* 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
* 1 teaspoon sugar
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
* 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
* 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

PREP 10 min.
COOK 45 min.
TOTAL 55 min.


In a bowl, toss pumpkin seeds with butter and Worcestershire sauce. Combine the sugar, salt, garlic powder and cayenne; sprinkle over seeds and toss to coat.
Line a 15-in. X 10-in. X 1-in. Baking pan with foil; coat the foil with nonstick cooking spray. Spread seeds in pan. Bake at 250° for 45-60 minutes or until seeds are dry and lightly browned, stirring every 15 minutes. Cool completely. Store in an airtight container. Yield: 2 cups.


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Friday, October 14, 2011

How to make halloween decorations videos

Watch How to make halloween decorations videos online. The decorations are one of the most important parts of Halloween. When decorating, people try to create a scary atmosphere..You can do everything simple what comes in to your mind and what you think that will be funny with regard to Halloween decoration.Needless to say Halloween decorations always do the trick and stir the blood on the very big day. even Ideas for halloween decorations. tutorials on decorating pumpkins, creating ghosts, spiders, making pumpkin laterns.

Watch How to make halloween decorations videos online

How to make halloween costumes videos

Watch how to make halloween costumes videos online.If you don't have enough money to buy a fancy costumer for Halloween, learn how to make your own.Costumes are always fun to dress up in, but sometimes all those layers of fabric, masks, capes, or fake muscles can add some heat and make you sweat..Find instructions for making a large selection of costumes. Some of these costume ideas are fast and simple, some are a little more complex, but all of them are unique.Hundreds of ideas for making your own Halloween costume - everything from traditional characters to the truly wild and wackyfor children, adults, couples or groups..
Watch how to make halloween costumes videos online