Saturday, December 31, 2011

Questions About How To Ask A Girl Out

Nancy asks…

How to ask girl out and get confidence?

I am fine with talking to girls. In fact most of my friends are girls. The problem is i cant ask them out
When i was in 6th grade i asked out a girl. 5 days later i dumped her and it was so akward. I never wanted to go thru that again. I like a girl but i dont have the courage to ask her out. How can i emotionlly prepare for this then whats a good way to ask her out also how to build confidence.

admin answers:

Well, Just aks her...

There's really nothing to it.
Sure it's awkward but that's life.

As for confidence, look in your mirror and say

"Damn Im sexy!"

Good luck!

Joseph asks…

How to ask girl out if work schedule is in the way?

There's a girl I want to ask out to a date, but she and I always work on Friday and Saturday nights. What should I do?

admin answers:

Take her out during the week! Really late during the week, not during the day.

Robert asks…

How do you ask a girl out in your class?

I have never had luck asking girls out in class, and I think it's because it's pretty awkward. Especially if the girl doesn't sit near you, you can't really talk to her and you know nothing about her. So how do you ask her out?

There's this girl in my Humanities Class, and she sits on the other side of class, and I can only see her back. I can't really see her face most of the time, but I want to ask her out without making it awkward. How do I do this?

admin answers:

Try to catch her after class. Ask her a question about the lesson or ask her to explain something to you that you "didn't understand." There's no way she can ignore you without looking like a total b*tch. If she can't answer your question (embarrassing!) ask about something else a little less complex, even if you already know the answer. Remember, this is just the conversation starter. Then once she answers, thank her & laugh off the stupidity, whether it be real or fake, & say how you could barely focus because of *insert moderately lame excuse here*. If she tries to relate to you & says "Oh, yeah, I know what you mean, blah blah blah" then just try to keep the conversation rolling for a while. After that, try to space out the conversations so you don't seem to be stalking her, & wait until she seems to consider you a friend. Then talk to her more, & eventually ask for her number. I think you know what to do after that ;)

Good luck with her :)

Charles asks…

How can I overcome my fear to ask a girl out?

For some reason I always fear of asking girls out. I always tell myself that if I get rejected, oh well and move on. But if a girl say yes, then I have a fear of not being perfect for a girl. For some reason, I thought being perfect like sweet, charming, good looking, and be outgoing would be nice. I don't really want to bored the girl at all. I'm always get really shy when I ask a girl to hangout with me. How can i overcome my fear?

admin answers:

Just be yourself and stay calm.
If a girl cant accept you for who you are than its not meant to be.
Plus always remember only good things can happen from you telling your crush how you feel because even if they're not interested, at least you can move on and stop wasting time on them.
Hope that helps! Good luck :)

Sandy asks…

How to ask girl out in my class?

I'm 13 years old. I want to ask this girl out in my year but she's always with her friends and if I ask to speak to her on her own I'll feel like a right idiot. Also any boyfriend/girlfriend tips.

admin answers:

Say hi to her regularly, smile at her, maybe even give her a hug every now and then. Ask for her number, talk to her and her friends, they're people too it shouldn't matter. Get over your nervousness and just ask her out, either call her or talk to her.

Unless you don't know her and just randomly go "WANNA GO OUT WITH ME!?" that'd be weird, and she would say no. Just talk to her regularly. Oh and being attractive helps.

Hope this helped!

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