Robert asks…
How do i know if im a good kisser? i need help, especialy girls..?
Ive kissed b4 but not french style!! How do i know if i kiss good?? I can tie a cherry stem. Ive kissed only at a party, spin da bottle, kiss and hold for like 5 secs but dats a bout it.. This might seem dumb, but girls what to you is a good kisser??
admin answers:
First do not stick your tongue so far down a girls throat as to choke her, second do not slobber all over the outside of her mouth.............thats disgusting to most normal females.
Joseph asks…
how to be a really good kisser?
ok well im a 15 year old guy and just made out wit a girl for the first time we made out about 4 times and i dont think i did that well so i asked her and she said i wasent that good, so girls what do u like when making out wit a guy?? and how far do u put ur tounge in there mouth lol..i was just winging it the othere nite so help me hahah
admin answers:
Haha wow! I can't believe that she just outright said that you weren't a good kisser. One thing to keep in mind is that she probably doesn't even know what she's talking about, because I'm sure that she doesn't have much to compare you to.
But just some advice: Don't be too sloppy. The biggest mistake that I've noticed that young guys (and even older ones) make is too much spit and too much tongue at a too forceful and fast pace. Try to be slow, but passionate. Tongue, but not too much tongue. You'll get the hang of it.
Try to be confident and not too nervous. Girls can sense if you're confident in the way that you kiss and it's a turn on. On the other hand, if you're not confident then it can be a turn off.
And don't worry about it too much because these girls probably have as little experience as you do! So if you think about it, how much more do they really know about kissing then you do? Probably not much, so it's kind of a shared learning experience, I guess.
Jenny asks…
Is it okay to ask a girl if you are good kisser?
Say you are dating girl and you go in for the kiss and the date ends. How do you know whether you did a good enough job in the kissing department. Is it okay to ask her in a text or email after the date?
Like I know obviously you are really bad if you never see her again but what if she is seeing you again but is just being polite hoping to get a better kiss next time?
admin answers:
If she leans in for more you clearly got it going on and the chemistry is right! It can be a lot of factors! If it isn't the right person it won't matter if you kiss good or bad, just remember to brush your teeth everyday, floss and chew some gum, don't drool like a dog nothing worse than a slurpy kiss!!!
Daniel asks…
im talking to this black guy and he said it turns him off when he finds out a girl is a bad kisser...any help?
i really like him and we just started talking and everythings going relly good. and im white and he told me he likes white girls better.. which is but we were talking last night and he said the onlything that turns him away is a bad kisser and not so good in bed, my problem is that i dont know if im a good kisser or not cuz the only guys ive made out with were white and ive gotten compliments but there white... is it the same for black or do they like it different? and if there's any way to possible describe to me how to kiss a black guy good it would be greatly appreciated :) oh and is there any little things that i can do in bed or just when were hanging out that will turn him on or that he will like???... thx... btw this question is more toward black guys lol but up for any suggestions :) thxx
admin answers:
The fact he's black really means nothing at all, white guys like good kissers just as much as black guys do
William asks…
Do you think I have a good chance to have sex with this girl... Give me advice (PLEASE ANSWER I BEG OF YOU)?
I'm 17, she's 16. She's one of my sister's best friends. We flirt with each other all the time, not really in a serious way though. We always sit really close to each together and purposely rub our skin up against each other and stuff. She's very sexual and always makes those references and stuff. And like she always looks at me when she's not supposed to like when my sister tells her to close her eyes like when I'm walkin to my room in my boxers or walking out of the bathroom in a towel.
She's really hot. I asked her to teach me how to make out and she said yes and we started today and damnnnnnnnn she is a good kisser. We made out and used the tongue and everything. Then we talked bout random stuff for like 2 hours afterward. We're gonna be doing this a lot-- she's teachin me how to make out. The rest of my family is goin on vacation in like a week and she asked me if I'd be home alone at that time.
She's really opened up to me in the last few days.... She told me she's had oral sex multiple times and that she "can't help it" lol.
She told me if I wasn't her best friend's brother she'd be chasin after me. She told me the guys who she did it with wer eguys that "she loved" though and "not some random guys." But she tells me all the time she loves me in a joking way.
Should I invite her to my house when my family is gone and ask her to isntruct me about the making out and then take it from there?? Do you think she will even do it??
Please don't tell me I'm not old enough or whatever. That's irrelevant to the question. If you're going to give me some lecture don't bother answering cuz I'm just going to skip it anyway. Thanks!!!
Best answer goes to the longest answer. Give me a strategy.... a battle plan.... logn deatiled answer. thank you.
I've known her for 10 years. Most people think of her as a good girl. She's only had sex about 5 times anyway. She's never even had real sex... just oral. She's a virgin.
admin answers:
Ha ha.
I don't think you should do it for a number of reasons.
1. She is your sisters BEST friend, and I think that would be a bit weird when the girl says that she has lost her virginity to her best friends older brother. Considering the one person she is most likely going to tell all that stuff is her best friend.
2. I am assuming that where ever you are from you are not of age of consent because you said you were not old enough.
But by what you have said, it is pretty obvious something is going to happen, so it is up to you.
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