Jenny asks…
1993 300gt will not start without jump are new battery?
1993 3000Gt battery died (What can it be)?
I have a 1993 3000Gt that i bought about a month ago. I dont know how old the battery was, but it was driving good for about 28 days then the battery died. When I get a jump the car work perfect till i cut it off & try to cut it back on. Some said it could be the battery, alternator, are wires. I took the battery to NAPA to get it charged & they said it was complete dead & could not be charged. I dont kno if this would help but bfore i had any problems i cut the antena off (bein stupid). If anyone can help me please worst case its the Alternator becouse that cost $600 for that car for labor. Best case its the battery only about a $60 dollar problem.
admin answers:
Make sure battery cables are connected well. If problem persists, get a new battery. Battery can fail any time.
David asks…
can i jump-start a car without opening the hood?
technical question. situation:
i work as person who looks over property, and i spending majority time in the parking lot in my 07 f-150 5.4triton, i had installed 1100 cranking- amps battery and hardwired 17-amp 2000 watt inverter.
currently i running my laptop of of it,(in my previous job i had my vehicle running often and for period of time, where now im not)
every morning i have to jump-start my truck.
is there any way to jumpstart it from + wire i ran into interior for inverter? will it damage computer?
how long those 1100 c-amps last for 90watt laptop?
and is it reasonable to install second battery with a switch just to jumpstart it?
admin answers:
Car batteries do not like to be discharged completely, this shortens their life and capacity. If you had to jump start your car several times your 1100 cold cranking amp battery is likely much below that number now. You need a second deep cycle battery which you can run the laptop from, you also don't need a 2000 watt inverter, you can run your laptop from the smallest inverter you can find. A deep cycle battery could power your laptop for at least a day or two.
John asks…
How do you jumpstart a car without jumper cables?
I found out recently that my car battery is totally dead, I need to jump start the car but I don't have jumper cables, a way to get to the auto stores or someone to jump start it for me. Are there any ways to re-charge the battery?
It's not a stick-shift
admin answers:
If you're on a down hill slope, you can try to jump start it that way. Otherwise you have to have someone push it for you to jump start it. Also, if its a Toyota, and i'm not sure about other makes, but leaving the car completely turned off for a while will allow the battery to charge itself. And for future advice: Get jumper cables! If you're anything like me, remembering to turn off fog lights just doesn't happen. Good luck!
Linda asks…
car stereo draining car battery while running?
i have an aftermarket stereo in my car and when i turn up the volume it makes the battery gauge drop and the lights dim when the bass hits which eventually lead up to me not being able to start my car without being jumped then to where i had to change my battery and disconnect my stereo from the battery before it starts now. my stereo is made up of an alpine 9887 deck, mtx thunder elite 1004 powering mtx thunder 6.1 high end components and alpine type r 6x9s, and an mtx thunder elite 1501d powering a single mtx thunder 9500 12". the stereo is run through a 2 farad capacitor with streetwires and was installed by my brother in-law whos been installing car stereos since he was 17 now in his 30s. does anyone know whats going on and how i can fix it?
admin answers:
To me, it seems like you have a bad alternator. You can get that checked for free at auto stores. I would recommend getting an ho alternator if the its bad. If you get a new alternator make sure it works the way it suppose too becuase not all are built equal. That will take care of the dimming lights. If you decide to go with a stock alternator then get he kenitk hc800 and toss the cap. This will take care of the dimming lights and high voltage drops. You'll also notice a big increase in spl. I know becuase I push the exact wattage and I have similar experience.
Ruth asks…
Jumping a car battery?
Someone left the headlights on in my car for four hours (1999 ford taurus), now it won't start but the battery isn't totally dead (internal lights come on, the engine starts to turn over). The battery is only a few months old.
I'm going to jump it later today-- after that I need to drive it around, right? I have two questions about that:
-How long do I need to run the engine after jumping the battery before I can turn it off?
-If I just let the engine idle without actually going anywhere, will that be good enough, and how long would I need to do that?
I have a trickle charger, but no good place to plug it in-- I'd have to plug it in inside my house and run an extension cord outside through the melting snow, which seems like a bad idea.
admin answers:
It should jusmp start within seconds and just leave the flat battery car running for a few mins, with no other electrics on.
Good luck
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