Lisa asks…
How do I add my music player to be right beside my info on tumblr using HTML?
I'm using HTML to customize my tumblr.
I have all my info where I want it, but my music playlist is randomly at the bottom of my page.
I want it to be right beside my info.
How can I do that?
If you want to look at my tumblr profile to see what I'm talking about, it's:
admin answers:
Put the code in your description box.
Susan asks…
how do you add music to your tumblr page?
like, i wanted a profile song type thing, how do i do that?
admin answers:
Http:// -it uses the audio posts that you post on to your blog, -make a playlist and put it in your Tumblr.
James asks…
How can i add songs to my tumblr streampad WITHOUT POSTING songs to my tumblr?
Whenever i have to add music to my tumblr, i have to post it onto my tumblr. is there any way i can add songs to my streampad without posting them to my profile?
admin answers:
Oh!! I know a way!! When you're publishing the audio post, you can just press "make it private" or something similar, and so you can click on that and then it'll still be on your tumblr streampad but the audio post won't be on your blog :)
Donna asks…
How to add music strip to tumblr?? Read description.?
I have literally gone through HUNDREDS of step-by-step things of how to add it to your profile. All my attempts have ended up by screwing up my profile. So please dont post a link to a step-by-step think because I have probably already looked at it.
So Here's how I need help:
I have already created a playlist on I want the playlist to be strip on the bottom of the page, showing only the pause/play/ect. buttons. I also want it to play automatically once you go onto my profile.
Here's the html code for my playlist:
admin answers:
I actually have a hypster playlist on my Tumblr. It's small with just the buttons showing. All I did was take this part of the code:
Jenny asks…
Add music player to tumblr?
I know of streampad and what not, but it dosen't work for my layout. It covers my 'next page' link.
I was wondering if anyone knew how to add a player in the description bar like the one on this page:
Or if someone has a solution to move the 'next page' etc. links on my profile, that would work too.
admin answers:
I am looking for the same music player still no answer. If you find it can you please send me the link and I will do the same if I find it out before you lol.
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