Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Questions About How To Improve Memory Recall

Charles asks…

How to improve my memory recall quickly for finals?

If I ingest maximum doses of gingko, ginseng, along with my prescription kiddie speed will I remember my verb tenses for Spanish better or less well? Is there any other supplements I can take or certain food to eat in order to improve my memory recall that you can suggest? I learn one thing and forget 10 others; I can only keep one thing in my mind at once while the rest slip out. Thanks! :-)

admin answers:

Easy RELAX your mind and body,maybe some yoga and SLEEP 8 hours a day and NO junkfood but lots of fresh food and nuts

George asks…

How to improve my memory or total recall?

I was curious if anyone knows a way to help improve my memory? I am no longer in school and I just want to be able to remember things more effectively. When I was in school I was in the learning disability classes and I think it hurt my memory more then anything. I always felt I had more intelligence then most kids in the class it’s just that my memory recall was not there. I understood all the material but when it came time for the test I could not recall what I had learned.

admin answers:

If you want to improve your ability to memorize, then learn the memory systems. These include the peg, link, loci, and other methods. A easy-to-read book that explains these and gives lots of examples is "The Memory Book" by Harry Lorayne. If you are a student, his other book, "Super Memory, Super Student" is even better, since it explains how the memory systems can be used to memorize course work like chemistry, math, and so on.

To improve your memory generally, you will probably need to make some lifestyle changes. There has been a lot of research lately about memory. This research shows that exercising daily, improving your sleep, eating brain foods and taking brain vitamins, and meditating can all improve memory. You can also play brain games like sudoku, crossword puzzles, and chess to help keep your mind sharp.

If you have trouble concentrating, start taking fish oil vitamins. A lot of people are deficient in the Omega-3 nutrients found in fish oil. These nutrients are required for brain health but are often missing from today's diets. I take 1 to 2 tablespoons a day of the liquid fish oil (Carlson's brand).

You can do all this for almost no money. The two books I mentioned are only about $10 each. Vitamins and brain foods are cheap, and the other lifestyle changes are free. And you can easily find free brain games on the Internet.

For more information, you might want to check out this website:

Ruth asks…

how to improve memory ? techniques to improve memory recall and long term memory?

admin answers:

Everyone has a different method that works best for them. Some are better with memorizing flash cards, some use tape recorder, pneumonic devices, some people can just read and write notes and remember it visually and eventually it becomes part of their collective knowledge... There is no one answer that works best for everyone... Just get plenty of sleep and eat well beforehand and drink some caffeine when you study and your mind should be healthy and alert when you need it.

David asks…

How can I help improve my memory recall?

I find it hard to recall specifics. For instance, I could summarize articles or do math problems, but when I try to recall specifics, like show me an actor and ask his name, I can't pull it from memory, but give me multiple choice and I would know without a doubt. Sames goes for an example of when was the Civil War. Can't tell you, but give me multiple choice and I'll know. I am a college graduate who has always excelled in school and can pick up anything thrown at me. I just have trouble remembering, and it's driving me crazy that I can't remember things! It's been like this for years (maybe since high school OR just when it really started to matter).

admin answers:

Well i learn quick and easy with acronimes and umm mabey write what u think is important in one notebook then rewrite it on another notebook so you can memorize it a little better

Daniel asks…

How can I recall information faster/improve memory?

Is there any way I can improve my memory & make it so I can recall information quicker?
It seems as though I take forever to remember things... especially when I am asked to tell a story (of events that happened) or even when someone asks me what my favorite t.v. show/movie is. My memory also sucks, as I can not remember things as efficiently as I used to. Even if it happened just a couple days ago.

I am a pretty smart girl, but this problem makes me feel slow & stupid...... please help me change!!!
I would love to be a quick, efficient, and exciting speaker.

Any thoughts are welcomed.

admin answers:

Most memory enhancing drugs are for Alzheimers patients.

Try training yourself to use Mnemonics


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