Thursday, April 12, 2012

Questions About How To Ask A Girl To Homecoming Ideas

Ruth asks…

any good ideas of how to ask a girl to homecoming?

im trying to ask a girl to homecoming, and i cant think of any good ideas. now days you have to do something special to there room, or something or they won't go with you.

admin answers:

Okay, enlist the help of her best friend. Get a Long Stemmed red rose (or her favorite flower. Ask her friend) Smuggle it into her locker, propped up with a handwritten letter (legible. You might have to get a girl to write it)


Other men said they have seen angels,
But I have seen thee
and thou ardst the most beautiful of all

-put your name here

Linda asks…

Ladies what are some creative ideas to ask a girl to homecoming? how would you wanna be asked?

Ok so she lives really far so all the things like having a sign outside is outside of the question.

admin answers:

Something my older brother did for his homecoming, was he bought those glow in the dark stars, and he walked to her house. Then he taped the stars on her wall in the form of the word "Homecoming?" with the help of the girls Mom. But be sure they absorb some light, so leave her light on for a while. Then when she comes home, turn the lights off.
But since she lives far away, why don't you consider something like sending her a letter in the mail with "Homecoming?" on it. But if you don't want her parents to see it, try doing something like sending a picture with you holding a sign with the words of your choice like, "Will you go to homecoming with me?" or something like that. I really hope this helped you out(: Good Luck!

David asks…

How to ask out a girl to homecoming creatively?

Hope I don't sound pathetic or anything, but i need your guys's help on how to ask out a girl to homecoming. The idea of just going up to the girl with flowers and asking her to homecoming is not going to cut it for me? Any of you have good ideas on how to ask out the sepcial someone to homecoming in a creative way?

admin answers:

Once a guy found out one of my classes and worked out a plan with my teacher. A few days later i walked into class, sat down and got ready to take notes. As everyone else filed into their desks and class started my teacher turned on the over head and everyone started staring at me. I looked up to find that he creatively wrote on the overhead "WILL YOU GO TO PROM WITH ME?" and his name. I started smiling really big and then my teacher pulled out flowers from behind her desk. I thought it was a really cute way to ask but wasn't too extreme like flying a banner around school. You could also do a scavenger hunt with clues about the dance and who you are.good luck.

Betty asks…

How should i ask a girl to homecoming?

im a sophmore and homecoming, is coming up and i want a really good way to ask a girl to homecoming any ideas?

admin answers:

You can always go classic:
"hey are you going to homecoming with anyone?"
"no not yet."
"wanna go with me?"

or you can be creative. When i was a freshmen my boyfriend (before we started going out) sent me on a huge treasure hunt around school ending in the principals office and the principal had a rose from him with a note asking me to homecoming. Last year he wrote "prom with me?" in sidewalk chalk on my parking lot at like 6 30 in the morning so when i pulled in to my spot in the morning i saw it. This other time he baked me a cake that said "winter formal?" in icing. They were all so cute and i couldnt say no!

James asks…

Any crazy ideas on how to ask a girl to Homecoming?

i want to ask this chick out, but i dont want to do the typical leave a letter and have her find out. My friend did this: wrote the girl's name then homecoming, then put a check here for yes or here for no. He wore button up shirt over that shirt. He then pulled apart the button up shirt leaving only the homecoming shirt and gave additional things.

Do i need help finding some crazy/wacky way to ask a girl to homecoming.....

admin answers:

Get a fortune cookie and break it in half. Put a slip inside it saying "Homecoming?" or somethin like that. Heat it back together. Thats wat my bro did. It worked too

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