Sunday, April 8, 2012

Questions About How To Increase Testosterone Naturally

Sandra asks…

How to increase testosterone naturally?

i already do that, any other way, do i eat certain products

admin answers:

Masturbate once a day or have sex. Men that are guilt ridden by masturbation, have very low sperm and testosterone levels. 2 hours after a man ejaculates testosterone level are usually doubled, making it a good time to lift weights. Royal Jelly has some hormone balancing effects in both genders as well.

David asks…

how to naturally increase testosterone?

Are there certain fruits, vegetables, meats, or vitamins that help increase the body's ability to increase testosterone. I want to be more aggressive on the soccer field and i know testosterone makes you more aggressive and helps increase adrenaline. When i am on an adrenaline rush in the game, i don't think about the game: it's feels like reflexes and natural and i want to increase this feeling. So is there anything out there that can help me.

admin answers:

There are a few things you can do. This site discusses several options.


Jenny asks…

how can i increase testosterone naturaly?


dr did some blood tests and found i have low testosterone (also high progesterone).

its 39 and should be well over 100.

he wants me to try and increase it naturally before he puts me on testosterone gel.

how can i increase testosterone naturally?

he suggested lifting heavy weights, no drinking/drugs

but thats about it (he was running late). what else is there?

also if it matters

20 - male - 75kgs ish

admin answers:

He is right :lifting weights and exercising crank up the testosterone levels.
And you can eat oysters and sea clams and take zinc:there is enough of it in one multivitamin tablet

Thomas asks…

how to increase free testosterone naturally without any side effects?

admin answers:

Dianabol works good. But that can kill you. I would do strength training and build up stamina and with that come testosterone

George asks…

what foods can increase testosterone?

i want to know how i can naturally increase my testosterone

admin answers:

I'm not sure there is a dietary substitute that can affect testosterone levels even in a short time period. Steroids can artificially increase levels.
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