David asks…
How Do I cite A book MLA syle PLEASE ANSWER THIS!!!! 10 POINTS?
For this project im doing i need to cite this book mla style . Please leave instructions step by step 10 points to best answer.
admin answers:
MLA is the Modern Language Association. When I used to cite books MLA style in college, I had to own a copy of the MLA guide. The association has a website. See below.
Charles asks…
How would I cite this book (MLA format)?
It's called the Medicine Men of the Apache by John G. Bourke. It's actually a 1993 reprint of an 1892(?) paper published in the Ninth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethonology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1887-88. So how would I cite a reprint? Or should I cite it like any other book?
admin answers:
This site:
Has all of your MLA needs! It explains how to cite reprints and etc.
Hope that helps.
Paul asks…
Is this how you cite a book in MLa Format?
I need to cite the book Lord of the Flies, is this how it is cited in MLA Format?
Does anything need to be italicized? Is the indenting on the bottom right?
Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. New York, NY:
The Putnam Publishing Group, 1954. Print.
admin answers:
Pretty good! Just indent the second line,and Lord of the Flies should be in italics. . .
George asks…
How do I cite a book in mla?
How do I cite a book in MLA format in a footnote? Specifically I want to cite a specific article in the book written by one author while the book itself was edited and put together by another author.
admin answers:
Look at other articles in mla format and that should give you an idea about how you can do it.
Laura asks…
How to cite this book with MLA?
I need to cite the book The Lesson Before Dying in MLA Format, but I have to go to sleep soon. Can someone give me a link? I'm not sure which are correct.. It's a primary source.
admin answers:
Author (Last name, First name). Title (underlined or italicized). Place of publication (city, ST): publisher, date.
(basic book example)
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