Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Questions About How To Induce Labor With Acupressure

Lizzie asks…

My sister in law is trying to induce labor with acupressure, how long...?

does she need to do it for in order for it to be effective. She is doing the webbing between her thumb and index finger and a place down on her ankle. We know you are supposed to rub for a few minutes or until you get a contraction but when do you repeat and how often and how long. Anyone with experience. She did do acupressure with the last pregnancy and went into labor that night. Thanks for your help.

admin answers:

Here is the link to detailed instructions:

Best Wishes!

Lisa asks…

labor acupressure?? self inducing at home?

false labor for several weeks. went to dr this morning with contractions. im scheduled for a cesarian on monday but cant take much more. they said this morning the contractions arent regular enough to be considered labor or progressive labor.
anyone have any ideas on how to induce labor? or if this labor/maternity acupressure truly works? ill try anything. walking hasnt helped neither has red raspberry leaf

admin answers:

How far along are you exactly?

I've read about both positive and negative stories with acupressure. I think like everything else it depends on the person and if your body is truly ready or not to go into labour.

Definitely try sex. Walking up and down stairs supposedly helps too. Are you effaced/dilated?

Chris asks…

Acupressure Points for Inducing Labor....?

Has anyone tried to induce labor with acupressure points? I did some research on it and it sounds interesting but I wonder if it's something I should try or not. I am only 3 days past due but have been having intense lower back pain all day. I'm getting short with anyone I talk to and feel miserable, but still no contractions! At the doctor last Friday I was 80% effaced but hadn't dilated at all. Just unsure of how to deal with the pain and the waiting in the meantime.

admin answers:

Yes they do, I tried them on my last pregnancy for the same reason. I'd say its worth a shot if you are ready...When I did it the first time it was on accident while I was reading how to do them. I believe i did the one between the thumbs and that night I felt some strong contractions. I didn't have any others but I had dialated some at the next appointment and the day after my appointment I went in to labor. But only do it if you are really ready

Joseph asks…

{Plz Help!!!}What is Acupressure and how does it work?

I was researching ways to naturally induce labor and Acupressure came up, I have never heard of it and I was wondering what is was and how to do it. And has anyone else tried it???? Is it dealing with the little needles you put all over your body???

admin answers:


great information on this site....youtube also has a few how-to videos. I havent tried it yet, but might if i get to 40 weeks. Im too lazy right now, lol.

Mandy asks…

How effective is acuprsessure to induce labour in pregnancy? ?

Just wonder if anyone has experienced with using acupressure to induce labour?
If yes, at what week of the 3rd trimester did you start acupressure ?


admin answers:

My aunty walked barefoot over some gravel when she was at the beach and about 38 weeks pregnant and that put her in labour... So I'd imagine very effective if you know what your doing.

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