Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Questions About How To Eat Pomegranate Fruit

Richard asks…

how to loose weight very very fast and to be thin like thin teenagers ?

and to wear what i like will my body be well belt if i lose 25 or 20 kgs or something ? i'm 14 years old , 85 kgs 160 cms and i tried ti eat grape fruit but its too sour and i drink 2 cups of hot water when i wake up its good and i eat pomegranate with no sugar and i go to the gym what else to do to reach the ideal weight ?! i'm a diet beginner .

admin answers:

When I started my diet, I did this thing where for two grams of carbs I ate, I ate one gram of protien. I lost about 5lbs a month on just that, and while it seems little, that's 30lbs in 6 months. Other than that, you seem in good shape. Just don't expect to get tiny over night. There's no way to do that in a month or two.

George asks…

My brother has a pomegranate fruit but doesnt kno how to eat it.?

how do u eat it haha?? :]

admin answers:


hope i helped;]

Lisa asks…

Are antioxidant pills as effective eating fruit and veg?

This is a difficult question. How many supplements would equal a pomegranate, for instance? Are the supplements watered down to the point one would need to take a huge amount several times a day?

admin answers:

No, for three reasons.

First of all, fruit and vegetables contain other nutrients that pills don't provide, like fibres and vitamins.

Second, a vitamin is not a vitamin. Artificially produced vitamins and nutrients are often absorbed less efficiently into the body; more of these passes through than with the natural form.

Lastly, taking anti-oxidants tells the cells in your body to make less of their own anti-oxidants. So you have a perfect defense mechanism against free radicals, but you're telling it to work less by taking these pills.

Ken asks…

How can some people put themselves through all these crazy crash diets?

I am amazed at the extremes people will go through to lose weight. Someone answered a question of mine that she was only going to eat fruit and vegetables for a month. I used to work with a woman who was starving herself- only drinking pomegranate juice and eating a few crackers a day to lose weight. And this chick only weighed 115! I don't get it at all! Most of the people doing this are already skinny anyway.

I want to (in my case, actually have to) lose weight just like the next person but I can't imagine going days without eating real food especially if there are healthy choices available.

Please explain this phenomenon to me. I know that American society values pencil thin women but is it really that serious to go through these extremes? I'm trying to understand.

I guess if some of these wome were my size, they would freakin' die.

admin answers:

People always look for the short cut, the fast fix and in doing so they ruin their health. I did a water fast for a week but only lasted six days and get very very sick doing it. I also lost 130 pounds in three months on Stillman's, again, I got very ill. People want to do whatever they have to do as fast as they can do it instead of changing their entire lifestyle which is the only way to lose weight and keep it off.

Joseph asks…

Pomegranate season: do you eat the outer shell, pulpy inner comb, or just the precious fruit?

How would this relate to James' mention of
waiting for the precious fruit in James 5:7?

James 5:7
Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.

early rain? law?
latter rain? grace?

What are your thoughts about such things?

admin answers:

I eat the pink fruit/seeds inside.

Early rain = rain to water the plants
latter rain = picking season, when all the fruits are ripe at once

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