Friday, April 6, 2012

Questions About How To Flirt With A Guy In Middle School

Ruth asks…

How to flirt with a guy in middle school?

OK well I'm in middle school and I really like this guy in my grade. So I sorta want to give him a hint I like him. Any ideas??

admin answers:

Just be friendly, laugh, fool around, hang out with him, sit with him at lunch, smile at him, and glance at him once in a while, and chances are he'll see you, and get the hint.

James asks…

How Do you flirt with a guy in middle school?

Hi, I really like this guy in the same class as me, he is confident, but doesn't have an ego,has a good sense of humor, and today we were working in a group together we got along perfectly, and we are both in Gr.8, how do I flirt with him???I really like him and I want to make this work! Please answer soon!

admin answers:

Making eye contact, smiling, flipping your hair, laughing, talking, things like that.

Susan asks…

how do you flirt with a guy in middle school when your not very popular or out going.?

Im in 8th grade and there is this guy I really like. The only problem is I am made fun of alot because Im smart, Im only 4ft 10in, and I have a large birth mark on my face. Im not necessarily ugly though i have no acne honey colored hair and am very sweet and kinda quirky when you get to know me.

admin answers:

Hey! Sorry to hear about ur relationship confidence, but hopefully I will help. I recently learned DO NOT act like someone you aren't. Be your quirky self girl! B****y girls get the hot guys I suppose... But that just means they are the B****y guys. Do not act like something your not. Boys Appreciate Honesty. So lets be honest, at my middle school, guys are always wanting to go to second base. Make sure this guy is worth your flirting time.
1. Be nice, and courteous, it's not just the boys job, you know.
2. Don't Make him feel like you are better than him, he will feel unapreciated, and it will look like you don't like him.
3. Don't put him down either.
4. Just be nice,.. And flirt! It comes naturally. If he looks interested, keep it up. If he is giving you one worded ansewrs, and nodding, he is probably just being nice, and not interested.
5. Laugh at his jokes, but don't go all overboard. Laugh. The funniness of the joke should only last a few seconds.
6. Ask him if he wants to hear a pickup line. This of course, is a pickup line! If he says yes... WOHOO!
7. Ask him if he is going to a bball game, or the dance. If not, Tell him it wont be fun without him.

Jenny asks…

I need tips on how to flirt with a guy in middle school!!!!?

I'm going into middle school and I have forgotten how to flirt! Not a good thing!!!!! Please help me!!!

admin answers:

Im going into my second year in middle school and the flirting part is easy, all you have to do is smile, touch a little , let them know your interested but not eager.

Hope it helps :)

Sandy asks…

how to flirt with a guy in middle school?

help me please, i am so clueless! theres this guy i really like but i have no idea how to flirt with him. i dont want to be in his face or annoying, but i want to get him to like me. he isnt like super popular, not a nerd, so its not like many other girls like him. wat kinda things should i say/talk about?

if this matters, i have big boobs, im average sized kind of skinny but not really, and pretty. and no im not gonna post pics.

so help me flirt? thanks sooo much

admin answers:

When you see him, say hi. Talk to him, smile a lot, give him lots of attention. Laugh at his jokes, touch his arm, lean close to him when you're talking.

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