Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Questions About How To Induce Labor Yourself

Lizzie asks…

How to induce labor? yourself not by a doctor?

My Baby refuses to come out. He is 2 days late already. He dropped but I'm not dialated enough. I was told to take walks. I gave until thursday before they are going to physically induce labor. do u guys have any suggestions?

admin answers:

A due date is an estimation only. First babies are usually late. I went 7 days over due and of the morning I was to be induced, I went into labour. I tried everything but until those hormones kick in, there's not a lot you can do. Your baby determines when labour strts. Induction is a last resort. Keep walking but make sure you rest aswell. You will need your energy for labour. Good luck!

William asks…

How can you induce labor yourself?

I'm 40 weeks, and completely miserable.
I'm so swollen everywhere, feel like I'm going to puke constantly from such bad heartburn.
I just want this over with.
If there are any things you did that worked please tell me.
I already passed my mucus plug yesterday (I know TMI).
I don't wanna hear anyone complain "OMG why would you do that?!"
If your going to please don't even waste your time answering this.

admin answers:

Sadly there isn't any way to force the hormones that trigger labor

My advise is to get either Prilosec or Zantac - these are amazing at curing the horrid acid reflux

Joseph asks…

If you are one of the ladies who induced yourself naturally into labor, how did you do it?

I am full term and extremely uncomfortable. i would like serious answers only please. How long did it take for the baby to come after you induced yourself?

admin answers:

Mine was not intentionally, however, it worked and was even told by the doctor afterward that it is the safest. That is sex. Just normal sex..I was 8 months pregnant and during sex, my water broke. I went to the hospital and it was 12 hours later I was the proud mother twice over to my precious little girl. Good Luck!

Carol asks…

How did you put yourself into labor?

im 36 weeks pregnant baby is estimating 7 lbs 12 ounces, im very tiny and they said that having this baby sooner than later would be in both of our best intrest and my body is preparing for it, i.e dialated to 3 cm 80%efaced i just want to know what are somethings that helped you induce labor on yourself i had an in hospital induction with my first DO NOT WANT TO DO THAT Again, please before you tell me that this baby should come on its own the doctor who i trust very much already said that its safe so do not call me selfish for wanting a baby born without cp (a complication that can occur when baby is to big for the mother's pelvis to be born naturally)

admin answers:

If your doctor thinks that having the baby sooner than later is best for you and safe, he should have suggested something. 7lbs is just an estimate. My daughter was supposed to be 9lbs and a c-section later she was barely 7. My son was supposed to weigh 6lbs via ultrasound the day before I had him and he was 9 1/2. There is nothing wrong with having a larger baby, they are healthy and on time.

Chris asks…

caster oil and labor.... Whats your experience???

I have heard MANY "old wives tales" on how to induce yourself into labor. I have tried pretty much all of them and well...I'm still pregnant (40 weeks and 1 day) and as all you moms out there can imagine, i want my body back now!!!. I have heard about caster oil being very good at "starting you off" as it stimulates the intestines and makes them spasm a little, which wakes up the uterus, resulting in labor. I asked my mid-wife about this and she sad that many of the women she sees have tried it, and it has worked. I have also researched it on the internet and it says it is 57.7% effective and if it doesn't work all it does is give you a case of the runs and shiny hair.

My question is... have any of you moms tried this method or heard of anyone trying it and what is your story?

admin answers:

My aunt use to use Castor oil but only when the person was ready and I've always seen it work i was looking into using it myself but when i looked at the research it scare the crap out of me I've never heard or seen the reactions but when i saw it begin used that was never the reaction maybe some runs which can be a good thing since some women get constipated after birth and have to take a laxative regardless but if you use some commonsense the problem is that some women get antsy and take it before their ready and have that reaction cause every one agrees IT WONT WORK IF YOUR BODY IS NOT READY

On the other hand with my first i was induced medically and had the same reaction runs vomiting and I got dehydrated in the hospital so i don't see the different in doing it medically or on my own its all the same to me any way

And as for meconium that happens naturally some times and even the doc's don't know what makes it happen but its easy to say Castor oil is the cause since they don't have any other answers


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