Sunday, April 8, 2012

Questions About How To Get A Passport Online

Paul asks…

Is it faster getting a passport online or or at a passport application location near you?

I have to fly over seas in 3 weeks, what worry's me is how long it would actually take to get my passport. Which way is faster? Please help..

admin answers:

If it's your first time to apply, you will need to apply in person, like in a post office. You can fill out the form online, print it and take it with you along with the required documents.
You can also expedite it like a week. You just need to pay extra.

Lisa asks…

How can I get a passport online?

Is it possible to apply for a passport online?

admin answers:

Go to site below for all passport info and instructions. You can print out the forms to fill out, see the list of documents you will need. You need to see second site to find nearest passport office to turn them in. You must turn them in n person.

Linda asks…

What are the pros and cons of getting a passport online instead of going to the post office? I need 1 ASAP!?

I am traveling to Canada in less than 2 weeks and need a passport. The gov website says that it will take three weeks to even expedite it. There are websites that advertise as little as 24 hrs. how is that possible?

admin answers:

Pros - Convenient, fast.
Cons - You don't get to sign it. You may be asked to produce a letter telling why your passport doesn't have your signature.

Sharon asks…

Where and how do I get my Passport? ONline?

I want to go on an exchange. Im going to eventually. I need a passport and i dont have one. I have no clue where to go what to do and how to do it. Prefferably i would line an online form the i can just print off or fill out and sent it by mail or email.

admin answers:

Go to this link and download and print the form.

If this is your first time getting a passport, I recommend after filling out the form, just going to the post office to get it processed. You will need a certified copy of your birth certificate, which they will take when you submit your application, but it will be mailed back to you when you receive your passport. Usually the post office has the ability to take your passport picture also. It took about a month and a half to receive mine.

Nancy asks…

Good online passport site?

Can anyone that has used this site give some feedback on how the process went, like did it go how they advertised? Or another site that offers passports in 2 weeks or less?

I need a passport quick, my wife is in Germany and is leaving for Iraq next month so i need to get over there and see her before she leaves. Before i use one of these sites I just want to hear from someone that has experience getting a passport online.

admin answers:

I really thought that in the US, the only way to get a passport was to go through the US State Department.

You fill out paperwork, mail it to the State Department in Washington, D.C. ( or carry it in if you live there) and wait for them to mail it back.

The State Department does have an expedited procedure ( that cuts the wait down to 2 weeks) but well - right now -

the claim that they can get you a passport in 24 hours is impossible, at least right now. The State Department will not be open until NEXT Monday morning.

i see mostly good things about them online, but i don't see anyone saying that they tried it and it worked.

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