Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Questions About How To Force Quit On Mac When Frozen

Maria asks…

How to fix my frozen mac?

So my macbook is frozen. Its frozen on 2 windows and so when I first saw it I click om safari force close but then that was frozen too. So I try to restart but it says I have to click out of "are you sure you sure you want to quit safari" BUT THATS FROZEN I CANT DO ANYTHING. Help me!

admin answers:

Based on my general Unix knowledge if you can open a terminal you should be able to use ps -ef and pkill to get rid of the frozen applications and then restart them. Rebooting is fro Windows users. I don't really know how OS X shortcuts work but if no one else answers try Googleing what to do with OS X crashes etc. I'm sure there will be guides and stuff. ^_^

Steven asks…

why is Safari freezing when i do a search on youtube?

I just got a new mac book and the internet, including youtube, works just fine. I can still watch videos from my favorites and from the home page, but when i do a search, safari freezes and i have to force quit. Can anyone tell me how to fix this problem?

admin answers:

Right click on the safari icon and then i think find solution to the problem. Hope this helps.

Donald asks…

How do i stop my firefox from freezing when i play a video (youtube, etc...)?

Whenever i play a video from youtube, or metacafe, or any video at all, it plays for a few seconds, then all of a sudden my firefox freezes and i have to force quit it. I only have pc's and i can fix it on them, but how do i fix it on this Mac OS x? I am thinking i need to download a driver, and if so can someone please give me a link? Thanks

admin answers:

Download flashplayer..?

Susan asks…

Help with Safari for Mac, it keeps freezing?

Ok, this problem has only happened when I try to load some myspace pages. It's normally like a band's profile that makes the application freeze and it even freezes on other pages occasionally. What happens is I'm trying to load the page, it's loading really slow, then the cursor turns into this:

and it won't let me click on anything. I can't refresh the page, I can't scroll down, I can't do anything, so it's essentially frozen. So I've been having t force quit the application and try again but the same thing happens every time. Any tips?


This is a MacBook Pro and it's a little outdated, I bought it in 2004, and I'm not sure how much space it can store but it has 1.04 GB of free memory left, so I don't know if that's an issue.

Thanks, I appreciate your help :)

admin answers:

You may not have enough power to run Safari, especially if you're using the newest version of the browser. When you say you have 1GB left, I think you mean hard drive space. I think you may have a memory issue. Go to and let them scan your computer to see if you need a memory upgrade. If you can, you definitely should. You might also want to try to clear up some space on your laptop b/c that can slow a computer down. Lastly, you might consider switching your browser to Firefox temporarily to see if it poses the same issues.

Nancy asks…

how to unfreeze norton antivirus on my mac?

My computer has Norton installed and it scans basically everything. I inserted my flash drive, it started to scan it, i hit cancel (because it had already scanned it the previous day and i wouldn't want to give my own comp a virus).
when I hit cancel, nothing happened. Norton froze up. I tried force quit, but it did not register with the computer as an "open application" (it's icon was not in the doc, and not in the lst of 2 open applications in the force quit menu).

I tried shutting down the mac, but when i rebooted it the screen was still on my login. I tried logging out but it did not log me out . Whenever i roll my mouse over the top bar of the dialogue "scan" box of the norton ..thing...but i get the rainbow wheel of death.

So i have no idea what to do.

admin answers:

Norton is poison for a Mac, it's not required as Macs don't get malware, unless you purposely install it. (like a illegal copy of a program for instance that has malware in it))

Apple changes things on the OS level all the time, Norton expects OS X to remain the same, so Norton breaks and causes the behavior your experiencing.

If you need to clean malware off Windows files, the free OS X program (runs as a program when you wish) is ClamXav.

Norton has a uninstaller, use it. Never use it again.

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