Friday, February 17, 2012

Questions About How To Fall Asleep When You Cant

Lizzie asks…

how do you finally get to sleep when you cant fall asleep if possible?

like i said if possible i cant never sleep and its getting pretty old

admin answers:

Eat something really warm and drink a glass of milk with it. Some kind of food you find comforting. That always helps me get to sleep.

Nancy asks…

how do i fall asleep when i cant sleep?

i cant sleep lately ive tried everything like exercising before you sleep um eating good foods not eating not exercising EVERYTHING i decided to just let my body do what it wants so i started watching videos late at night but i get up at 4:50 and go to bed at 1 or 2 in the morning but i cant fall alseep before that and then during the day i am EXHAUSTED and by the time i get home im fine is this normal ?
and there is also something bothering me i just dont want to mention that but i have to get up at 4:50 and im only in high school so yeah just so everyone knows

admin answers:

I've had this same exact problem. Being a paramedic i work the most awkward hours and can't sleep. Which gets really dangerous when you're performing pre- hospital care. I tried all the sleep meds that a sleep specialist wrote scripts for and nothing worked. And if they did work it did more harm than good. Only thing that I've tried that worked and had no side effects was melatonin. One of my friends (a surgeon) gave me some. They are all natural and have no side effects. Melatonin is what your body would be lacking if you can't sleep. Its natural and already in your body. I would give that a try. Or light therapy ( another natural way).

You can buy melatonin at almost any pharmacy or GNC. Also the light therapy you can buy some equipment fairly cheap on amazon.

Steven asks…

how come i cant fall asleep in class when i need to?

ok i am a 13 year old girl and in 7th grade and i noticed that every morning when im on the bus i fall asleep off and on. like i bob my head every second. and right when i get to school and am sitting in class i just can't seem to fall aleep... especially when its the best time to. like when were sitting there doing nothing in 1st period

in my 1st period class there is only about 6 other people in the class because its an excel class to help you and when i looked around the room, the whole class was asleep. so i thought i should do the same. and also when we were doing the work packets as a class 2 people were sleeping. and the teacher was trying to teach us to understand what we were reading and she made us write a question and if we had a reason why we didn't understand the paragragh and everybody wrote tired on there papers lol

so anyways now to my question how come im wide awake when i get to that same teachers class? and what would be the easiest way to fall asleep? and the reason why i want to fall asleep like the rest of the class is because the teacher will make somebody read aloud and i wont have to if im sleeping! =D lol

and btw if i fell asleep i wouldn't miss anything because were just reading a boring story packet about a guy who likes trash lol im not really learning anything anyway

admin answers:

Um. Because in the way back corners of your mind you know that falling asleep in class is disrespectful and rude to your teachers? And you just can't get past that enough to do it?

Charles asks…

How to fall asleep when you cant?

im usually the type of person who falls sleep in 10min but lately i can't. its 2:14 am now at 1 i tryed 2 fall asleep by closing my eyes for an hour until 2:00am but obviously that did not work.
ive already tock a benadurl but it feels like it just made my head hurt

admin answers:

Sometimes i sleep at the opposite end of the i put my feet where my head usually is....or sleep on the lounge or in the spare room...sometimes when you lie in the same position your brain feels pressured to go to changing it up a bit, it sort of tricks the brain, by not forcing sleep to happen...i can't explain it but it works for me & i've read it once after already trying it

Donna asks…

Does counting backwards help you fall asleep when you cant sleep?

How did I fall asleep last night??
Well last night I couldnt sleep and the anthistame wasnt working....But once I layed down I started counting backwards from 500 and i passed out before i got to 450...What happened?
And I was really stressed that i wasnt going to fall asleep

admin answers:

I usually read before i go to sleep. It helps me calm myself to the point of falling asleep. Try it

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