Monday, February 27, 2012

Questions About How To Increase Testosterone And Decrease Estrogen

Richard asks…

A question about hair follicles and DHT? Estrogen & testosterone?

I have just read an interesting answer that DHT (testosterone) is responsible for hair loss because it blocks the hair follicles thus stopping hair from growing/choking off the follicles. Well i'm a 22 year old female experiencing some hair loss after having my son almost 2 years ago. I realize that at first it's normal to have excessive hair loss after the birth of a child because of all the hormones but it has not returned to my pre pregnancy state. My hair extremely thin and my scalp is even visible.

My question is how can i eliminate testosterone from my body and when i do will that prevent hair loss or restore the hair that i have lost? Does increasing estrogen mean decreasing testosterone and if it does how can i increase estrogen? Which is easier. Someone mentioned on here that Oat grass will help lower testosterone levels?

i'd really like my thick healthy hair again as opposed to being half bald and having thin disgusting damaged hair at just 22.

admin answers:

For some reason in your endocrinology, DHT is causing this post-birth. Sourcing the reason would be best, but the easiest answer for now is to supplement with DHT blockers/antagonizers. Propecia is one of them.

Also an adjunct would be to address your circulation by incorporating capsaican - the ingredient in hot peppers, or gingko, or something else effective so that your capillaries are getting dilated thereby getting the raw materials your follicles need to start manufacturing hair.

There is a semi-synthetic compound called vinpocetine that targets the parts of the circulatory system in the head region. Perhaps that will get circulation going as you supplement with an anti-DHT medication.

Donna asks…

How powerful is the human mind?

So its possible to make yourself sick by thinking about it. Therefore, what else is possible?

Is it possible to grow more hair on your head by somehow concentrating and convincing your mind into believing you need it for whatever reason?
Is it possible to control your hormone levels? Increasing/decreasing in testosterone? Increasing/decreasing in estrogen?

Does anyone have website on just how powerful the mind is?

admin answers:

The thing with making yourself sick by thinking about it isn't quite as simple as you put it. The way it works is when someone decides to start thinking they're sick when they're not they get stressed, which stress lowers the immune system and therefor that person is more likely to get sick than they would have had they not stressed about it in the first place.

Mandy asks…

how to produce more testosterone in your body?

Hi Im 18 years old and I think i may be producing more estrogen in my body and a lack of testosterone. How do I increase the production of testosterone and decrease production of estrogen?

Thanks in advance :)

admin answers:

More exercise, have at least 8h of sleep, morning sex, helthy meals (specialy breakfast) and 2 more things that i don't remember... I hope what i got helps

Joseph asks…

Any Docs out there? Many questions regarding Depo Provera as a sex addiction suppresant? please help.?

Any Docs out there? Many questions regarding Depo Provera as a sex addiction suppresant? please help.?
I'm a 21 year old male, interested in taking the shot as a possible treatment for sex addiction. I would like to know its side effects. Will estrogen increase in my body as testosterone decreases? or Will estrogen levels stay the same? What are the side effects? I am fairly well built and muscular, will I loose my physique? If I work out during these months on the shot, will I maintain my physique or will the shot affect it that much. Where can I get a prescription for this treatment? Are there any psychological side effects? Are there any dangers I should be aware of? What are the feelings of being on this medication? How long may I use this continously? How will my moods be? I have a varicocele at my left testicle, will this shot affect it? Will my sperm count increase or decrease on this shot? Any help would be appreciated!

admin answers:

Not a doctor, but a Biologist.
DMPA (Depo) is probably not the road you want to go for the things you want.
If you're seeking to suppress your sexual desire, Cyproterone is the route many people take. It's an anti-androgen medication used to treat prostate cancer and reassign males into females. Taking an appropriately sized dose would probably grant you you're desired result. It's anti-androgen properties is the only way I know to reduce sexual desire medication-wise. But know this, as an anti-androgen, Cyproterone will cause other side effects in relationship to how much you take. The more you take, the less testosterone (and other androgens) you have. The less testosterone you have, the less sexual desire, the less promotion of muscle and bone growth, the less sperm production promotion.

You need to see a doctor for the prescription, and he'll likely direct you to a therapist as a safety precaution.

Daniel asks…

questions about testosterone?

hey i have a couple of questions about testosterone that i was wondering if someone could answer. and does anyone know any good websites giving information about increasing it or decreasing estrogen or both? thanks and here are my questions....

1. how does your body make it?

2. what does your body need to make it and what do i need to eat to increase it?

3. what should i avoid doing to decrease it?

(off topic but how can i decrease estrogen?)
please dont lecture me about having to much i need more trust me.

admin answers:

I thought this was a male question about a couple of questions about testosterone?

Estrogens (alternate spelling: oestrogens) are a group of steroid compounds, named for their importance in the estrous cycle, and functioning as the primary female sex hormone.

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