Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Questions About How To Increase Metabolism Rate

Laura asks…

how do i increase metabolism rate?

i'm 15, and compare to the me years ago, my metabolism rate has definitely gone down a lot.

other than eating frequent meals, is there any other ways of increasing metabolism rate?

i heard taking sauna will increase metabolism, does that mean, bathing in hot water, which results in sweating, increase metabolism rate as well?

please gimme ways to increase metabolism rate!!!!

admin answers:

12 Steps to Charge up your Metabolism.

1. Always eat breakfast! Skipping breakfast sends the message to your body that you're starving because you haven't had food in 18+ hours. As a protective mechanism, your metabolism slows down. Food, especially complex carbohydrates, fuels your metabolism.

2. Eat earlier in the day! Research has demonstrated that you can lose weight simply by eating a substantial breakfast and lunch, and a light dinner. Dinner should be eaten as early as possible, preferably at least four hours before bedtime.

3. Never eat less than 1200 calories per day! Less than 1200 is usually not enough to support your basal metabolism and thus will slow your metabolism.

4. Snack frequently! Complex carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, and grains) fuel your metabolism. Also, snacking prevents you from becoming too hungry. The hungrier you are, the less control you have over what and how much you eat.

5. Eat more carbohydrates (food from plants), and less fat (food from many animals and other food with added fat)! Carbohydrates boost your metabolism and have fewer calories per weight than fat.

6. Do some type of aerobic exercise (walking, jogging, swimming, stationary cycling, aerobic dancing, etc.) on a daily basis (preferably in the morning)! Forget this twice-a-week stuff. Our bodies were designed to be active on a daily basis! When we are, our metabolism soars!

7. In addition to your regular aerobic exercise, take a brisk 10 to 15 minute walk at lunch or in the evening. This serves to boost your metabolism even more!

8. Tone your muscles with weight training three days per week. Toned muscles send your metabolism through the roof. Do it!

9. Look for situations to be active. Park as far from the store as you can rather than looking for the closest parking spot. Use the stairs rather than the elevator, a broom rather than a blower, etc. Look for the "hard" way to do things!

10. Avoid alcohol! Alcohol depresses your metabolism and stimulates your appetite.

11. Drink 60+ ounces of water a day. Your metabolism needs plenty water to function properly. Carry a bottle of water with you and drink frequently throughout the day.

12. Avoid the"3 P's".....pills, powders, and potions! There are NO quick fixes!

Sharon asks…

how to increase metabolism rate?

hi i am 22,female,5'4'' weight 83 kgs.i want to lose 15-18 kgs weight in 7-8 i planned my day routine for my weight loss.

i just wanted to know how can i calculate my metabolism rate also what all the foods or drinks that i should have to increase my metabolism rate.?please help me guys.take care.

admin answers:

Find out how many calories you need per day:

To increase metabolic rate yet lose fat, decrease your food calories by no more than 500 calories per day, but never ever consume below your BMR calories or your metabolism will decrease. Also, do cardio exercise in addition to exercise/activities you are already doing, i.e. Extra exercise, burning up to 500 calories per session.

For food, eat thermogenic foods (protein - e.g. Chicken, egg whites, turkey, fish, shellfish), thyroid stimulating foods (coconut oil, avocado, shellfish, seaweed), and lots of non-starchy vegetables. Stay away from thyroid-inhibiting foods such as soy, and avoid (refined) starches and sugars and all artificial sweeteners. Limit caffeine and try not to drink alcohol at all.

Ken asks…

how do you increase your metabolism rate?

i HATE getting fat x(

give me tips other than mentioning working out or exercising.
i know it works and i just want to learn IF there's an alternate way of increasing your metabolism rate.
what do you mean by smaller but frequent meals?

can you give examples?

admin answers:

Here are some ways... Dont expect to be seen overnight though!

• NEVER skip breakfast its the most important meal on speeding up your metabolism. It keeps it going for the day. Also make sure its on of your biggest meals of the day.
• Drink 6-10 glasses of water a day.
• Drink 4-6 cups of green tea a day- its said to boost metabolism
• Going for a morning jog can boost your metabolism for the day, but make sure you do it before you eat breakfast
• Eating 4-6 small meals a day every 2-3 hours
• Dont starve yourself, it slows down your metabolism
• Eating junk food & sweets & drinking soda slows it down
• Exercise regulates and speeds up metabolism
• Never skip meals - it just slows it down
• Eat more protein
• Take your vitamins
• Reduce your fat intake
• Drinking ice cold water because your body has to warm it up to room temperature and it uses the fat from your body to do so, and regulates your metabolism
• Chilli and spicy foods speed up metabolism
• Cinamon is one of the best spices to speed up your metabolism - its said to speed it up by 20 times
• Add foods high in Vitamin C
• Building muscle speeds metabolism - so train with weights

Maria asks…

How do you increase ur metabolism rate?

im starting hip hop abs righ tnow and i was wondering hwo to increase my metabolism rate
18yrs old 118lbs
and really just tell me how to increase the metabolism rate not how im young etc

admin answers:

After a full body workout, your metabolism stays high for almost two days

Daniel asks…

how can i increase my metabolism rate to the maximum?

admin answers:

Exercise is what does this. Do something physical every day, like walking, running, riding a bike, swimming. Keep it simple. The more you exercise, the better you will feel and the more confidence and control you will experience too.

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