Saturday, March 3, 2012

Questions About How To Impress A Girl At School

John asks…

How to impress a girl at school?

hi i kinda got this chrush at a girl in my class, but im to schy to go talk to her. how can i impress her if im to scared to talk to her?

admin answers:

Youve got to talk,
not much of an other way,

Helen asks…

How to impress the girl at school?

hi. there`s a girl i`m friends with that i really like at school and we`er both in the same grade but she`s one of those girls that alot of other guys like so i was wondering, what should i say to her to get her to like me back

admin answers:

Be a gentlemen. Studies have shown that girls like guys who show that they care because it is wired in their heads to find someone who could take care of them and their children. Though they may not be aware of thei motherly instinct it does go on. So when a guy shows that he is good around kids that's when women start finding them attractive. Girls also like it when you show confidence and give a presence of safety and protection.

Donald asks…

How To Impress Girls At School?

Well to begin i have allot of pretty girls that go to my high school and i would like to go out with one of them this year. Does anyone have any tips for me on how to impress the girls at my school? ( The one thing i don't think i can do is start a conversation).

admin answers:

Well, ok first, you're gonna have to respect the girl for being a girl, and her own personality and feelings, not just that she's pretty
or you wont get anywhere
secondly, you're gonna need to start a conversation, even if it means you sound stupid while doing it (most girls actually like that) and alot of girls HATE being the one to make the first move, and really just man up and talk to them their just another person
but anyway, just talk to them, become their friend, dont just tell them they look hott and ask her out, cause thats just retarded.. And you're relationship will go nowhere
respect her.

David asks…

How to Impress a Girl at school ?

There is a girl in my school and I truly Love her but I dnt know where to Start the problem is that I can not start a Conversation I dnt know on which Topic I should talk to her and there is an other guy who is really getting ahead of me. PLZ ppl help me..

admin answers:

Yeah. Just start.

Your fear is gonna lose her. You might not make a connection anyway, but you need the experience.

Just start talking to her, then after a time or two of talking to her ask her out for a movie or something,

Good luck.

"A Ship in port is safe. But that is not what ships are built for."

Betty asks…

How do you impress a shy girl at school?

We have never really talked to each other. Just stared at each from a distance. and we only have one class and some of her friends don't like me. not much though.

admin answers:

Just b urself

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