Sunday, March 4, 2012

Questions About How To Induce Labor At 38 Weeks

William asks…

How to naturally induce labor at 38 weeks?

I am 38 weeks pregnant, 4 cm dilated, and 50% effaced. I just want to know of any ways (THAT WORKED) to naturally induce labor. I've been miserable and I am very anxious to meet my little guy. Please no dumb answers! Thanks :-)

admin answers:

Most health care providers don't favor inducing labor until at least 39weeks, 40weeks, or even 41weeks. However, being 4cm dialated and halfway effaced, you are due to go any day.

Using a breast pump will stimulate your uterus to contract and that can onset labor (much like after delivering the baby, nursing the baby will help expel the placenta). Walking and squatting can maneuver the baby downwards. Even while contracting, keep walking and rocking around - it can cause your water to bulge and break.

Some people say spicy foods cause labor. :)

Also, sex is a good way to speed up contractions. Semen contains prostaglandins, hormones that help ripen the cervix. If you orgasm, you will produce another hormone called oxytocin, which is a natural stimulate of labor (pitocin is the artifical stimulate used by doctors).

Hope this helps!

Lizzie asks…

How to induce labor at 38 weeks?

My friend is super far along, almost 38 weeks. She is built small and is carry very large. She is at her limits and was wondering how t bring labor on early. She has tried loads of pineapple, walking, bouncing on an exercise ball. Any other advice, her doc says its fine to try alternatives.

admin answers:

Why doesn't she get a hospital to induce her? My mum went into hospital and got induced once the due date came =/

that way there is no need to try potentially dangerous stuff

Donald asks…

Will dong quai induce labor at 38 weeks?

im 38 weeks 2 cm dilated and 90% effaced.. my sister in law said she went into labor the next day after taking these. so im wondering if any of you have tried this or know someone who has? i dont need you to tell me she will come on her own your not me and dont know how i feel sorry i just dont want those answers. thanks guys. :)

admin answers:

From what I know Dong Quai is good for starting menstruation but can cause extreme bleeding during labor.

Everyone is different and what you choose to put your body and baby through is up to you. I personally say have tons of fun jungles sex. Sperm contains something that helps soften the cervix and bring on labor.

Whatever route you take I wish you and your baby the best.

David asks…

Is there any way to easily and kinda naturally induce labor at 38 weeks? ?

im so tired of being pregnant and if anyone has made labor come early some how tell me with what and how long it took ....
thanks in advance

admin answers:

Im gonna be 37 wks. On saturday and i am getting adgitated with all my friends who were due 3 days before me having there babies and girls having them tonight! Ugh.. But id rather have a baby that is Plumped to a good weight and ready then one that will have to be kept till there wieght is stable.. Im sure your baby will come soon.. GOOD LUCK!!!!!

Charles asks…

How to induce labor 38 weeks 1 cm dilated?

Ok I am currently 38 weeks and 2 days, my amniotic fluid is low so my doctor wants to induce labor either at the end of this week or the beginning of next, but I would rather go into labor myself at home. My OB said I'm not very dilated, just about a fingertip, so I'm wondering what are some ways I can dilate/induce labor naturally? I dont want to have to be induced, and I really dont want to drink castor oil because I heard it can be bad for the baby. I have been having some constant menstrual-like cramping in my pelvis and my back, and the baby's head is very low so I know she has dropped. What are the best, most effective methods of trying to move things along myself at home without having to be induced? THANK YOU !! =)

admin answers:

All sex will do is thin/efface the cervix. It sounds as if yours is already thinned and effaced,but it can't hurt anything to try sex. Walking only works after you're in active labor,and introducing chemicals into the womb (ie castor oil,primrose oil,etc) can only possibly hurt the baby and doesn't do anything but possibly cause the baby problems in the womb. Castor oil alone can cause the baby to have it's first bowel movement while in the uterus,and therefore putting the baby and mother both at risk. None of the "eat these foods" will work either. No food will magically send you into labor. Those are all old wives' tales and won't send you into labor. If you go into labor after eating something,it's b/c of the fact that you were actually in labor.

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