Thursday, January 12, 2012

Questions About How To Calculate Gpa On 4.0 Scale

Paul asks…

How to calculate my GPA (4.0 scale)?

My school uses "power school" and it usually calculates my GPA for me, but its not showing up and I need to know my GPA. How do you calculate it on a 4.0 scale from a percentage?

Here are my grades if it helps;
honors bio - 88% [ B+ ]
spanish I - 93% [ A ]
intro to ag - 98% [ A+ ]
personal computing - 94% [ A ]
P.E. - 98% [ A+ ]
- im also only in High School if that helps too.

thank you all in advance ;D

admin answers:

You have 5 classes..
Its a 3.8. Good job.

Thomas asks…

How do you calculate your GPA on a 4.0 scale?

Like if you have a GPA like 81.6 or any number, what steps do you take to calculate it like a 3.0? Thanks!

admin answers:

Start with A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1, and F = 0. Then multiply the semester-hours (credits) for each class by the appropriate number for the letter grade you received. Add all of these results and divide that total by the total number of semester-hours.

Betty asks…

How to calculate my GPA on a 4.0 scale?

I am applying to universities in the U.S and they want to know my GPA. What is the official conversions from percent to the 4.0 scale? I have an 87% what would that make my GPA?

admin answers:

You cannot convert a percentage to a GPA. Let's say for example you had a 90%. You can get that by getting all 90's. At some schools, 90 is an A so you'd have a 4.0. But at other schools, it's an A-, so you'd have a 3.7. But you can also get a 90 by getting half A's and half B's, so then you'd have a 3.5 but still have a 90%. And you can get it by having mostly B's and a few high A's, so now your GPA is 3.3 or even lower. There's no direct conversion.

You need to go back to your transcript, convert each percentage to a letter grade on your school's system, convert that letter to the 4.0 scale, multiply by the number of credits the class was worth, add them all up, and divide by the total number of credits you took.

Jenny asks…

How are A's versus A-'s treated on the 4.0 scale when calculating your GPA for transferring colleges?

I was wondering ...if you have a flat 90 in a class, is it treated as a 4.0 just as a 100 would be or is like a 3.75 or something? Im trying to calculate my GPA because i'm transferring colleges.

admin answers:

It depends on the college. My first college would have called a 90 an A-, and assigned 3.7 points to it. My current school doesn't use + or -, so 90 = A = 4.0. What does it say on your transcript - A or A-?

John asks…

How To Calculate Your GPA on a 4.0 Scale?

I'm in all ap/pre-ap classes and apparently they calculate your GPA differently than they did 2 years ago, how would I calculate mine since I'm also on higher level classes?

admin answers:

Usually AP classes count as a regular class. I'm also in concurrent and I know they changed the grades to semester grades instead of individual quarter grades at my school. If this is your case, first quarter does not include your AP classes, but 2nd quarter will.

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