Sunday, January 8, 2012

Questions About How To Get Rid Of Fleas On Humans

Chris asks…

Can humans get fleas? How do you get rid of them?

My sister has three dogs, and allows the one to sleep in bed with her daughter. Today my neice was sent home from school because the teacher said she has fleas.

She was at my house all day but didn't lay on couches or anything. I'm so worried that I might get fleas! We have no pets here and I didn't really hug her or get too close to her.

How do you get rid of fleas from humans and how should I de-flea my house so no one here will catch it?

admin answers:

They might mean lice not fleas. If your neice was at your house than chances are you might have it as well. Make sure you have it first than just go to Wal Mart pick up a bottle of Nix, follow instructions, vacuum, wash all fabrics that she came into contact with & freeze the non washable fabrics for 72 hours (like pillows & stuffed toys). I know this sounds hard but believe me it's worth it! You don't want to let the lice spread so get rid of it now, make sure that anyone she has come into contact with knows about the lice & treats it or it could come back to you. Sorry!!!

Steven asks…

how to get rid of fleas on humans?

My friend just told me that there are fleas all over her house.
I think they came from a dog but they're biting her and her family.
How do you get rid of fleas when they get on humans?
Also, how do you prevent it.

admin answers:

The dog needs medicine to get rid of the fleas. GO TO THE VET FOR THE DOG! GO TO THE DOCTOR FOR THE HUMANES!

That's all I know! :-)

David asks…

How do I get rid of fleas on humans and cats?

I brought in a new stray cat, but it had fleas. I used the stuff you can get at Walmart to kill them, but it doesn't seem to have worked at all. Now my other two cats scratch and I'm paranoid that I may have fleas too whenever my head itches, because the cat sometimes sleep near my head. Would it be blatantly obvious that I had fleas? Like CONSTANTLY scratching, or is it something I could not really notice? I've never seen any small black things crawling across my head but sometimes I feel like things are crawling on my head; though I think it might also be psychosomatic since I'm WORRIED about there being things crawling on my head.

So in conclusion;
1. is there any better product I can buy to kill the fleas on the cats?
2. Could I have fleas and fleas just aren't bothersome enough for me to be sure?
3. If I do have fleas, what kind of product would I have to use.

fleas are gross.

admin answers:

Maybe u should get a flea collar

Richard asks…

How to get rid of human fleas in your house?

I had a tea cup Chihuahua a few weeks ago. We got rid of her because of potty problems. Before she left, she got into my bed and slept in it when I wasn't there. She got fleas and flea eggs in it. I slept in it, not knowing until the next morning. I cleaned it up and thought everything was fine. A week later, the house was infested with fleas. You couldn't walk in my room without a flea jumping on you and biting you. I have flea bites all over my feet and legs and so does my brothers and sisters. We cant sleep in our rooms anymore because of the fleas. My mom washes our blanket like 5 times a day and nothing works. And then we still get bitten. This morning, the fleas were in our hair. So we used lise remover and it worked. My mother is going get some things to clean the house with. But we are trying to avoid bombing the house because we are moving out in 1 week. I need help with this problem ASAP! Please.

admin answers:

Bowls of water with a little washing up liquid in so they sink
fles are attracted to the water and drown combined with lots of vaccuuming should make a huge difference

Mary asks…

FLEAS! How do I get rid of them on HUMANS?

So I have fleas and I know for sure that is what they are. How can I get rid of them. Everything I've found is only safe for pets. My cat is being treated but I am still dealing with them and I don't know how to get rid of them. Please help!
They are living in my hair. I have really really thick long hair. I have their eggs in my hair and I've seen them and they are fleas.

admin answers:

You don't have them, though you could be getting them on you and being bit by them.

One thing i have found out from a vet tech friend who had flea issues with her dog when she was pregnant.....those flea washes the sell for pets are unnessessary. All you need to do is wash them in a tub with dish soap. Fleas can usually, for lack of a better explination, walk on the water and not get washed away and drowned but just water just due to the surface tention of water. Dish soap reduces the surface tention of water so that they cant excape the bath and will drowned. (Is why the person suggesting bowls of water under a nightlight said soapy would have to be soapy to drown them).

If you are really thinking you have them, then take a bath yourself with dish soap, but really, you can not have them. You just most likely have them in your carpet, and on your furniture, possibly even your bed....and possibly in your clothes as well.

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