Monday, January 9, 2012

Questions About How To Extreme Coupon

Susan asks…

How can i coupon to the extreme?

I'm wanting to do some extreme coupon shopping. I need to know how to get coupons . How to be well organized w them. And how to find the best shopping deals!??? Please help.

admin answers:

Http:// teaches you how

Nancy asks…

How do I start being an extreme coupon-er?

If you haven't seen this show called Extreme Couponing, it's about people who save up tons of coupons and go online and find them, or dig in garbage cans for them. They go to the store and buy thousands of dollars worth of stuff, and end up paying like $3 for everything. It's insane. I just want to know how I could possibly get started on it. Any help appreciated (:

admin answers:

99% of what occurred on that show was JUST for the show! I hate how they portrayed these people because it makes people think that this is realistic. I'm sorry to say but it's NOT. These people have dedicated their LIVES to this, while neglecting to spend time with their families and focus on what's really important. A great coupon blogger wrote about this show and describes how this does not happen in real life.

I use coupons and save a lot of money doing so. But it is completely unrealistic to do what those people are doing.

Thomas asks…

Is it possible to extreme coupon in Hawaii?

Is it possible to extreme coupon in Hawaii (oahu)...not as extreme as they show on the show but enough to get items free or dirt cheap because I don't think we have a double coupon or anything like that. If so how would you get the coupons because most coupons say can not double and can only use one coupon per person. So any websites and stores and other information will help. Any help and advice will be appreciated. Thank you.

admin answers:

You will make more by taking the time it takes for the prepartion to extreme coupon and get a job, even minum wage, cause on average a $400 shopping trip will take about 10-15 hours in prep work to extreme coupon, now instead get a minum wage job for that time and u do the math which one mades more

Mandy asks…

A food drive is coming up. I want to extreme coupon to provide plenty of food. Any tips?

Like how to work the math out. Coupon tips and your own little bits of info. Please share because this food is going to the homeless and I would love to save tons of money and buy lots. I've been inspired by the show Extreme Couponing on TLC.

admin answers:

That's great!
I don't want to discourage you but if you really want to get the most out of it, you'll need to go all out. Use the couponing method tutorial on to get started.

Then use coupon websites like to get updates on the best deals with all your coupons.

Mark asks…

How healthy are people who extreme coupon?

I'm watching the TLC show "Extreme Couponing" - a lot of the items they buy are packaged foods, soda, candy, etc. I've barely seen anyone buy meat, fruits, veggies. How healthy is this?

I understand if they save these foods for later and eat them in moderation but it doesn't seem healthy to me to constantly buy and eat packaged products. What do you guys think?

admin answers:

Oh my gosh, I seriously thought the same thing when I first saw the show. They only buy what they have coupons for! Which is a bunch of candy and crap. When have you ever seen a coupon for fruit? Lol I guess a 15 cent banana or a 40 cent apple will break their bank.. Hahaha.


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